International konference om kvalitet og patientsikkerhed

10. juli 2017 kl. 15.15

The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) inviterer til international konference, der stiller skarpt på kvalitet og patientsikkerhed i sundhedsvæsenet.

Konferencen er i samarbejde med The Health Foundation. Et centralt tema på konferencen er "Patientens stemme" - med fokus på patientrapporterede oplysninger til at drive beslutninger og politik fremad.

På ISQua's hjemmeside står:

ISQua is delighted to collaborate with The Health Foundation to host our 34th International scientific meeting on quality and safety in health care, which will take place in London 1- 4 October 2017. ISQua and The Health Foundation are a ideal partnership, with ISQua aiming to promote and support continuous improvement in the quality and safety of health care worldwide, and The Health Foundation's commitment to bring about better health care for people in the UK.

Over 1,500 health care professionals from around the world will be brought together to network and learn from each other in the hope of improving the quality and safety of health care in the UK and worldwide.

Research has shown that the best results are achieved when quality improvement and patient safety are focused at the care level. However quality improvement is made up of different but equally important parts, including person centred care, leadership and learning from each other. 

Therefore the theme of this years conference "Learning at the System Level to Improve Healthcare Quality and Safety" while broad will incorporate 11 tracks: The Patient’s Voice, Data to Drive Decision Making/Policy, Sustainable Quality Improvement for LMIC's, Regulations Influence on Governance, Understanding Systems for Safety, Education through Learning & Sharing, Generalisability of Improvement Outcomes, Disruptive Improvement & Adaptive Change, Quality & Safety in Crisis, Quality in Mental Health, and Quality in the Community. 


London, England